I'm joing the bandwagon with my friend Jen's blog http://jenshumbleopinion2.blogspot.com/
*8 random things about me....* so here are mine.
1. In high school, I wouldn't give my *future* husband the time of day,
ten years after high school I married the *dude* I wouldn't be caught dead talking to.
2. I have psychic abilities that sometimes even FREAK me out.(I also believe in ghosts, have *seen* and *heard* things....)
3. I have had two homebirths with no medication the first a fairly long labour and the second only 3 hours start to finish..... I would rather have a longer labour than a short one, cause it was so fast and intense I was almost begging for drugs. (he was almost also a water-birth, but I chickened out the last minute) Hubby was supposed to help deliver the baby, but he was so fast there wasn't time. My first son was born in hospital... hence wanting homebirths for the other two boys (I did not like being in hospital for birthing)
4. I once put my cat in the baby's sleepers (PJ's) cause I thought she would look cute.... I was 34 at the time.
5. After 15 1/2 years with my hubby I still get butterfies in my stomach when he pulls into the driveway after work.
6. I love horses
7. I have met many people and I consider them friends..... and that everyone I have met is part of my destiny/fate and that I may have shared a past life with them.
8.I love to knit, and make many things for everyone else, and hardly ever anything for myself.