Dad and the boys

Dad and the boys
My pride and joy.. The men in my life! Hubby Bob, Cam (left) Brad (right) and Anthony below(separate pic at right)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Well now... I'm not the best at this journalling stuff, as you can see I keep forgetting to post here... Really, I'm going to try and post more....
What's new? We have been busy, as always. For my birthday this year we decided to do a family thing and take a drive to Port Dover/Lake Erie area to see an authentic re-enactment from the war of 1812. It was a hot sunny day and it was awesome to learn about the United Empire Loyalists in this region and the war atmosphere of this time period. It was great to really feel like we were spectators of the actual war... we visited the army camp and talked to *soldiers* and it felt real.... Of course being in Dover we HAD to stop for a famous *Arbour Dog* hotdog (and icecream)

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