Dad and the boys

Dad and the boys
My pride and joy.. The men in my life! Hubby Bob, Cam (left) Brad (right) and Anthony below(separate pic at right)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bringing in a HOT August!

Whew is it warm this summer. The humidity is stifling but we are busy for sure.
This weekend we first went to our neighbours' corn- roast and BBQ on Saturday. We took a big pot of chili and Bob played a few songs on his banjo and guitar. Then on Sunday we all went to the Military museum here in Brantford, as they had an open house and re-enactments of various wars including the war of 1812, and WWII... It was fascinating to see all the displays and I even bought a book called *Deadly Women of Ontario*, quite interesting and the author signed the copy for me!
We had a pretty quiet civic holiday Monday and we watched a few movies on DVD...Now being Tuesday already, We are cleaning house and getting the boys' bedroom ready for a new paint job. We have enjoyed the mural of Winnie the Pooh that Anthony painted way back in 1999... it is time for a change, although I will be sad to see it go.
This week I am staring to get the boys' schedules ready for our schooling, I'll be going through their curriculum requirements and getting the materials all together for our third year of home-learning!
Hopefully we'll have some fun and exciting things lined up!

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